
Hold it all in, hold it tight,
Never breathe it out, plight,
Suffer in silence, safer for all,
No worries, no answer, so, no call.

The world around me gone mad,
Joined it before it was ever had,
Mercy does not exist, they lie,
Worthy things left out in the son to die,

Cannot escape if you cannot run,
Internal malady, melody of no one,
Temptation to live, no more dialouge,
Arteries once open, slow, clogged.

Defecit from your profit, how does it feel?
to be wanted, to be, to fly, to become real,
Told the rabbit he’d be naught, skin and bone,
Nothing to escape to, this want me, love me, hate me, kill me jones.
-Thomas Spychalski

6 Responses to Jones

  1. lionisaac says:

    An Honest Marvellous Scroll. Just passed by. Best wishes my friend.

  2. Lucy says:

    So vivid, it feels lyrical as well like you can sing this on a guitar. Love your work here. ❤️

  3. dawnfanshawe says:

    that feels very sad and despairing, hope you are living well.

    • It is…my muses usually are.

      As for living well I try, these poems help me get things out of my mind and out of me so they do serve a good purpose.

      That said, thank you for the kind words and taking the time to comment. 🙂

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