Dolphin Talk: Fish Out of Water July 2016

July 19, 2016

Dolphin Talk can be found on the web here and please give a second to ‘like’ their Facebook page as well! 


The original version of this month’s column went out the window with the tragic events that took place in early July in Dallas, when a sniper opened fire at Dallas police officers during a protest event.

Now I am not going to focus on the two most obvious issues that spring from this incident, gun control and racism, because during the four and a half years I have written this column I believe I have made my beliefs known on both those subjects.

I would never want to completely abolish an American citizens right to own certain types of firearms and I think I have made it clear as well that hatred of any sort is just not right for me.

The topic here is the loss of life, the fact that any man thinks he can peer into the soul of another and take away the lives of innocent people. It is one thing to believe in a cause or to be able to exercise your right to freedom of speech, it is quite another when an individual’s twisted sense of the cause he supports leads to murder and chaos.

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This is All Your Fault…

July 8, 2016


Orlando, Dallas, Columbine, Aurora..the disgusting list that continues to go on and on into darkness, the killing of innocents and the social unrest that always follows such horrid incidents and do you know who is to blame for this?

You are.

Yes you, sitting there on your laptop, eating lunch while browsing on your mobile phone, all of you are to blame for these things, every single one of them.

Got your attention?

Good, I also used a picture of a cat, just to be sure.

Now before you get out the torches and pitchforks, let me explain and like all good internet opinion piece fodder, we will start with a related anecdote from my own life.

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