FOW:September 2017

September 23, 2017

dolphin talk newspaper hurricane harvey 2017 texas gulf coast seadrift

When a tragedy such as a natural disaster strikes today, the world outside the affected areas tends to only see the damage and the heartbreak through television and the instantaneous magic of the internet. Additionally, once the disaster has had its time as a ‘current’ news event, it tends to slip into the background of those not connected in some way with the area that is in crisis.

The complications from this are many, such as the fact that donations to relief funds may stop coming in as time passes, making recovery harder, and the fact that it is yesterday’s news to the rest of the world may make it seem like the brave rebuilding residents of those areas are on a desert island, cut off from the world but still having to soldier on through the aftermath.

Once shining American jewels like the ‘Motor City’ of Detroit or the New Orleans area after Hurricane Katrina could tell you what happens when tragedy befalls its residents and the world has stopped watching.

There is a reason I brought up America and old-fashioned American values that in modern times seem to have gone the way of the drive-in and the roadside diner – something that most in this country today were raised to have pride in, no matter what side of the political aisle you are drawn to or how many mistakes the American people may have made in its ongoing history.

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If Donald Trump Was A…

October 13, 2016

Grocery Store Produce Manager: “You know, I automatically stock the tomatoes. I just start stocking them, I don’t even wait. And when you’re the produce manager they let you do it. Grab ’em by the boxful.”donald-trump-funny-hair

Flight Attendant: “I better give the safety briefing, just in case we crash. You know, I automatically put on the fasten seatbelt light, like a pro. I just put it on, I don’t even wait for the captain to do it. And when you’re going to be at ten-thousand feet, they just let you do it, you can tell them anything. Grab under the seat for the flotation device, you can tell them anything.”

UFC Fighter: “I better put some talcum powder on my hands, just in case I get to do a submission. You know, I automatically go for the submission, I don’t even wait. And as it is a UFC match, they just let you do it, you can do anything. Grab ’em and put them in a rear naked choke, you can do anything.”

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Wikipedia Shut Down Means Kids Might Have to Open a Book!

January 17, 2012

SOPA, the controversial internet bill that claims to make the internet a less lawless place for the average American but in the end is much more likely to be a watered down version of China’s Great Red Firewall, is under fire from such internet heavies as Google and Wikipedia. These companies and their supporters are not only wondering how their business will be affected but what the effect of the bill will be on the health of the internet as a whole.

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Cult Britannia Arrives! (At least for me)

November 24, 2010

I am pleased to announce that I will play a large part in both the creation of content and the editing of the content on Cult I feel fortunate and excited about this opportunity to spread out from the Doctor Who and get the experience of working with other writer’s content and doing a little editing.

So far things have gone well as far as recruiting writers for reviews and articles on all things UK Sci-Fi, horror and all other f0rms of media that fall under the umbrella of “cult”.

If you yourself have a submission or would like to write for Cult Britannia, please drop me a line at this email:

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